Where do people in LA go for a weekend break? LAS VEGAS!
SEE? I am jumping with joy! literally!!
The plan was to drive up! I remember the last time we drove to vegas I was thinking (and at times saying out loud), the whole way, "are we there yet? are we there yet?" AND on the way back, the traffic was even worse!! I literally wanted to just leave the car there and take a flight back... and I kept asking John "is it illegal to go off road? I mean who OWNS those lands anyway?"
That was two years ago.
One thing I've learnt from living in this american sized land, is patience in car travel. What made me invincible (as i'd like to think.. lol) was the trip we took to San Francisco, almost 8 hours drive, that journey definitely did it!
So... we thought we'd take on the challenge 2 years ago again, face our (mostly me) fears.. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?
We had plan to go to this Endomae Sushi restaurant Kabuto (which has raving yelp review BUT.. it really was, genuinely, below mediocre) so I thought I could wear my new Brian Atwood peep toes! yay!
And light silk top by joie, with alhambra necklace by VCA (i needed the four leave clover for good luck!) - I often wear this as a bracelet, this is actually the first time i've worn it as a necklace..
My Brian Atwood heels, love the lil stud at the sole.
The colour red- to Taiwanese is the colour of good fortune, I didn't want to go all red, so I painted 1 little toe red, some fuchsia, lots of purple (which has red in it!) and one grey.
Tell a Taiwanese something's good fortune, we'd do it.
Walk and prancing around home, testing the comfort level of my shoes before leaving..
concluded on the fact that they were pretty comfy
took out my flip flops, packed the heels, for the 4.5 hr journey!
My jumping for joy image in the same outfit but flip flops! It was already around 35 C i think at the pee stop~

When we got to Vegas, it was i think 40+C, I don't react too well to heat, in fact I think i might be allergic to it! The plan was to take my Brian Atwood out for a Japanese. Didn't quite happen, I went flats, coz it was. just. too. hot.!!!
When we got back from supper, I changed into some shorts, and headed for the casino!!
2 friends arrived to join us for the weekend that night, it was one of THE most memorable nights of my life, which I shall not go into details, but i'll say if diamonds were a girl's best friend, Sapphire would be a boy's.
The highlight of the second day was, hangover, cirque du soleil, casino fun (minimal), beddddd...
This jacket was also one of my frugal finds from Taobao, i think it fits very nicely, again, one of those items that won't leave you heart broken even if someone spills drinks on or gets a cig burn on it.
It has fun neon coloured detail at the sleeve.
My silk/cotton mixed top from sandro. It has a nice back, but the picture is blurry..
I've grown to love bracelets, the fuchsia studded leather bracelet is from Valentino
My cheap chic day 2 ensemble
Vegas is not the classiest of places, in fact, it's far from, but it's fun once in a while, once in a long long while...
So glad it's the weekend soon! I CANNOT WAIT!
love your brian atwood heel and the black jacket!!! you are uber stylish!!!! ellyn